I still have a few photos left from our trip to the BBQ festival last weekend so I decided I should bore everyone with more photos from Kinston.



A museum for the CSS Neuse, a Confederate ship from the civil war, was allowing people in for free. Of course we had to check it out. Apparently the Confederates scuttled it because they didn’t want the Union Army to get their hands on it after they lost the city. It never traveled more than a mile from where it was built. They set it on fire in the Neuse River and that is where it remained for almost a century. In the 60’s it was found and the recovery process began. Eventually 15,000 artifacts were recovered.

All that remained was the bottom.




I was surprised that the wood looked as good as it did after being underwater for almost 100 years.

This is what the top half would have looked like.

And the final image is just a candid shot of an artist at the festival working with a piece of wood.


As always, thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend!